+33 6 50 00 63 97

Telephone : +33 6 50 00 63 97

Email : contact@le-clos-tellier.fr

Map : 5 rue Tellier Frères- 78 750 Mareil-Marly

By continuing your navigation on this site, you accept the use of cookies that help us with user statistics. Learn more. You can configure the cookies.

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Company Name / Legal Form / Share Capital





5 rue Tellier Frères
78750 Mareil-Marly

E-mail / Telephone

contact@le-clos-tellier.fr / + 33 6 50 00 63 97

Director of publications

Emmanuelle de Rochegonde

Intracommunity VAT number

FR64 500934369

Reservation Policy

Arrival Time

Arrival is possible from 4:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. In case of request particular or unforeseen circumstances, it will be necessary to contact us by telephone at +33 6 50 00 63 97 to notify us of any delays.

Departure Time

Check-out time for rooms is 10:30 a.m.

Cancellation by the Client
  • - if the cancellation occurs more than 4 weeks before the date arrival, the reservation will be refunded in full.
  • - if the cancellation occurs between 2 weeks and less than 4 weeks before the arrival date, the reservation will be refunded up to 70%.
  • - if the cancellation occurs less than 2 weeks before the date arrival, the reservation will be lost for the customer.

Tourist Tax

From January 1, 2024 a tourist tax of €2.60 per adult and per night will be collected for the account collected for the benefit of the Public Treasury.

For more information you can refer to the General Conditions

Privacy Policy

The use of cookies during your visit on our website

To enable the users of the website to take advantage of the services offered by the website such as room availability, registration to certain services (newsletters, etc.), usage optimization and personalization of user functionalities, the website uses the cookies.

You can disable cookies that you may have at any time, free of charge, thanks to the desactivation process offered and reminded to you below.

What is a cookie and its use ?

When visiting our website, information related to your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) can be recorded in a text file called "cookie" installed in your browser. The cookies will be used to recognize your browser during the concerned cookie's validity period and send certain information to the website (for example a session identifier or the language choice).

Only the the cookie's creator may read or modify the information that it contains.

There are different types of cookies :

  • Session cookies, which disappear as soon as you leave the website ;
  • Permanent cookies, that remain on your terminal's equipment until they expire or you delete them using the browser's functionalities.

As soon as you visit our website you are informed that cookies may be installed on your terminal's equipment.

Purpose of cookies

Some cookies are essential for the use of the site, others allow to optimize the use of the site and to personalize the contents displayed, cookies allow :

  • to measure and analyze the attendance and the use of the site, of its sections and services offered, it enables us to achieve studies and improve the interest and usability of the site and our services ;
  • to memorize the display preferences of your browser (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) and to adapt the presentation of the website for your visits, according to the visualization hardware and software or reading equipment included in your terminal's equipment and which are used for the navigation on our website ;
  • to store information of, for example, a form that you have completed or a service you used(registration, access to your account) or information that you may have chosen (services subscribed, contents of your cart) ;
  • to allow access to the reserved and personal spaces of the website or of our services, thanks to the credentials or the personal data personal you have previously provided, allowing you to access to the customized content ;
  • to enable security measures ;
  • to limit the number of advertisements displayed ;
  • to adapt the advertising contents inserted on the website to your centers of interests and behaviors and, eventually, related to your locality ;
  • to adapt and send you custom advertisements which are specifically intended for you by means of electronic prospecting or by displaying them on your terminal's equipment within advertising spaces containing the cookies that we emit ; thanks to the personal data that you have provided during your registration or access to one of our services and its use, to which we associate the cookies that we issue. ;
  • when you go to a third party websites containing advertising spaces broadcasting our ads, we may send you advertisements which can target you by recognizing our cookies that we previously deposited on your browser. These cookies can be placed by our technical service providers and used by them.

The cookies deposited from our website

The cookies used on the site are :

  • cookies of the Clos Tellier
  • cookies of third parties restrictively selected by the Clos Tellier in the means of achieving determined objectives.

The deposit and use of cookies by these third-party companies are subject to their own conditions of use.

Audience measurement

Google Analytics Services used for our website allows us to recognize visitors and identify the manner in which they use the site. This is a statistics tool which allows the Clos Tellier to improve its website by taking into account the needs of visitors.

The data generated by these cookies concern :

  • Your use of the site, such as the pages that you have visited
  • your IP address in order to determine the city of your connection. This data is immediately anonymized after localization and is not communicated to Google.

Adaptation of advertising messages

Google Ads services allows the Clos Tellier to improve the relevance of advertisements disseminated on its site.

The data generated by these cookies concern :

  • information relating to the effectiveness of the advertising ;
  • advertisements on which you have clicked.

The Facebook service allows the Clos Tellier to provide a series of product advertising such as real time advertisements from third-parties.

The data generated by these cookies concern :

  • offers from third-party advertisers displayed in real time that may be of interest to you.

The Google Ad Manager service allows the Clos Tellier to target the visitors with relevant ads.

The data generated by these cookies concern :

  • third-party offers from advertisers displayed in real time likely to be of your interest according to your profile.

This information is stored by the service provider and the Clos Tellier does not have access to your identity data by the means of these cookies.

Embedded cookies of third party applications integrated our site or our services

We are likely to include third party digital applications on our website, that allow you to share content from our website with other people or to make other people aware of your consultations or opinions concerning the content of our website. This is most notably the "Share" and "Like" buttons, derived from social networks such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "Viadéo", etc.

The social networks is capable of identifying you thanks to these buttons, even if they where not used during your consultation of our website. This type of application's buttons may allow the social network to follow your navigation on our site if your social network account was active on your browser ( open session ) during your navigation on our website.

We do not have any control over the process used by the social networks to collect information related to your navigation on our website and potentially associated with personal data they may already own. We recommend you to check the terms of use of your data on these social networks to know the purpose of use, including advertising purposes, of the browsing data collected thanks to these application's buttons. It is important that you verify the terms of use of these social networks so you can make sure that you can regulate and restrict the use of your data by these social networks, notably by setting your accounts preferences on these social networks.

Shared use of your device with other people

If your device is used by several people and when the same terminal has several browsing softwares, we cannot ensure you that the services and advertisements intended for your terminal's equipment correspond to your own use of this terminal's equipment and not that of another user of this terminal's equipment.

The shared use with other people of your terminal's equipment and the configuration of the settings of your browser regarding cookies fall under your freedom of choice and your responsibility.


When you first visit our website, you are proposed to accept or to refuse the use of certain cookies.

If you do not want cookies to be installed or read on your terminal's equipment, a cookie of refusal will be deposited on your equipment, so that the Clos Tellier can remember that you are opposed to the use of cookies. If you delete the cookie of refusal, it will no longer be possible to identify you as having refused the use of cookies.

In the same way, when you accept the use of cookies, a cookie of consent is installed.

The cookies of refusal or of consent must stay on your terminal's equipment. You can change your choices at any time by clicking here.

Your management and use of cookies

You can manage and modify the use of cookies at any time following the instructions detailed below.

The settings that you choose to modify may affect your internet browsing experience and the terms of access and use of certain services of our website that require the use of cookies.

You can manage your cookies :

  • directly on our site by clicking here, or
  • in your navigation software, or
  • in your interprofessional opposition platforms.

Warning : taking into account your unsubscription is based on a cookie. Therefore, if you disable all cookies from your terminal's equipment or if you change terminal's equipment we will no longer be aware that you have chosen this option.

1 . Managing your cookies from the management module : A module allows you to select the cookies on our website that you want to accept and those that you want to refuse.

At any time, by clicking here you can access the module and modify your choices.

2 . Managing your cookies in your navigation software : You can configure your navigation software so that cookies are either saved in your terminal's equipment or rejected, either systematically or depending on their issuer.

You can also regularly delete the cookies from your device via your browser.

However, remember to change your settings in all the browsers of your different devices (tablets, smartphones, computers...).

To manage cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, it allows you to know how to change your configuration choices in regards to cookies. Here are some examples :

  • for Internet Explorer™ : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies ;
  • for Safari™ : https://support.apple.com/safari ;
  • for Chrome™: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en&hlrm=en ;
  • for Firefox™ : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enhanced-tracking-protection-firefox-desktop ;
  • for Opera™ : https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies.

However we draw your attention to the fact that by setting your browser to refuse cookies, some features, pages, parts of websites will be not accessible, for which we cannot be held responsible.

To learn more, we invite you to visit the website of the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties : https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser ;

3. Managing your cookies in interprofessional opposition platforms : Several platforms of advertisement professionals allow you to refuse or accept the cookies used by affiliated companies.

These centralized mechanisms do not block the display of advertisements but only prevent the installation of cookies that may adapt advertisements based on your interests and behaviors.

For example you can visit www.youronlinechoices.com to prohibit the installation of these cookies on your terminal's equipment. This website is offered by digital advertisement professionals of the European EDAA association (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

This allows you to know what companies are members of this platform that gives you the option to refuse or accept the cookies they use to adapt, according to what they collect, the advertisements that may be displayed in your browser : www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.

This European platform is shared by hundreds of digital advertisement professionals and is a centralized interface for you to express your refusal or your consent of cookies such as described above.

Protection of personal data

In the context of the use of cookies such as described in the present page, the Clos Tellier is likely to handle personal data concerning you, while being responsible for its treatment.

The data collected is essential to achieve the objectives pursued by each cookie. They are only intended for authorized services of the Clos Tellier and / or third party companies issuing the cookies.

The personal data concerning you may be transmitted to service providers located in third party non-European countries, namely the United States of America.

These data transfers are legally regulated by :

  • either by the « Privacy Shield » mechanism, a register held by the American administration guaranteeing that registered US companies respect a level of data protection equivalent to that of companies set in the European Union ;
  • either by a cross-border data flow agreement, established according to the contractual clauses issued by the European Commission and currently in force.

The data collected via cookies are never kept longer than what is necessary to achieve the purpose of the cookie and, in any case, never more than 13 months.

You have the rights to query, to access, to rectify, to erase and to demand the portability of your personal data, as well as a right to process limitation. In addition, you have the rights to object and the rights to oppose commercial solicitations. Furthermore, you have the rights to formulate specific and general guidelines regarding the preservation, the deletion and the communication of your data after your death.

The communication of specific post-mortem guidelines in order to exercise your rights is done by e-mail at the address : contact@le-clos-tellier.com or by post-mail to Le Clos Tellier at the following address : 5 Rue Tellier Frères, 78750 Mareil-Marly, while justifying your identity by any means possible.

If you feel, after you have contacted us, that your rights to the protection of your personal data have not been respected, you can send a complaint to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés.